Play & Creative Arts Therapy

Therapy and counselling that moves lives forward.

Play and Creative Arts Therapies are effective and often powerful interventions to help people achieve changes in their emotional lives, thoughts and behaviour. Based on sound theoretical principles, these techniques allow a different type of communication about inner experiences to traditional ‘talking therapies.’

Play Therapy – Working With Children

For some children who are experiencing difficulties, trying to talk through their problems may – on its own – be unproductive. They may respond poorly to repeated questions, or simply lack the verbal skills to articulate their thoughts and feelings.

In this type of therapy, play becomes the child’s language. Structured play allows children to feel a safe distance from their problems, and gives them a means to express what is troubling them. And of course, it’s often far easier for children to engage with a therapy when it doesn’t feel like work!

Creative Therapies – Working With Adolescents And Adults

Creative therapies are techniques for adults to explore their lives and experiences, allowing them to reach a deeper self-awareness and understanding. The ultimate goal is to achieve new ways of seeing their lives and a feeling of empowerment.

Often our problems are rooted in experiences or ways of responding that we can’t put into words. They exist at a level that we find hard to access and analyse. Creative therapies bridge that gap, letting clients access their unconscious feelings, needs and motivations. Often this can be easier without the pressure to talk.

Some adolescents and adults are initially apprehensive about creative therapies, worrying about their own creative limits. However, in a supportive environment, these approaches can be used by anyone. Working in media such as sand, clay, paint, music or drama, clients quickly discover that technical ability is irrelevant and learn to express their inner world. These techniques then allow me to work on the presenting issues.

I often use creative therapies in combination with talking therapies, dealing with issues such as anxiety and panic, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and abuse (physical, sexual or emotional). For a more complete list, see my therapies page.

For further information, please get in touch by phone or using the website.